"God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:24) |
The Johnsville United Methodist Church Sunday School continues to be a blessing to all of the teachers and students alike! During the Lenten season, our younger children have been learning about the life of Jesus. The older youth have been learning about defending their faith in a world that has become increasingly secular. For the last couple of months, we have opened our sessions with some upbeat, toe-tapping and uplifting praise music. Aimee Feaster leads the children in singing while Brian Senn plays the guitar. Look for the children to bring some of this wonderful music into a worship service soon! Mark your calendar for these upcoming events in the life of our Sunday School: Sunday, June 3....Annual Sunday School Picnic after church at the home of the Hamilton family! Bring your swimsuits, towels and a side dish and join us for lots of water fun and games. Hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks will be provided. All are welcome. Sunday, July 15-Thursday, July 19...Vacation Bible School (VBS)—This year’s theme is a Polar Expedition! We will learn about how cool Jesus’ love is. What a treat as we move into warmer weather! We will need lots of volunteers to teach, coordinate skits, play games, sing, and help with snacks. Please prayerfully consider joining us for VBS. Even if you don’t have children in Sunday School, you can get involved. You will truly be blessed and have a wonderful time! Our Polar Expedition promises to be a week filled with joy, learning and praise! Debbie Senn & Lisa Hamilton
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